Field Update from Farmer Andrew
It feels like fall here on the farm. The weather has been marked by warm days, mild sun, and cool nights. As summer crops are starting to fail, cool season vegetables are gaining momentum. This week we start harvesting what looks to be a fantastic first planting of fall broccoli and leeks!
We will also start doling out the first of our winter squash: spaghetti squash. It is one of the few winter squashes that doesn’t need to be cured after harvest to achieve peak eating quality. The rest of our winter squash has been pulled from the field and is tucked away our greenhouse. We will hold those in warm, dry conditions over the next few weeks to improve eating quality before we start handing those out. In the fields, the crew is staying busy with the bulk harvest of storage crops like potatoes, and clearing out summer fields for cover cropping. We love this time of year for its delicious fall vegetables and wonderful working conditions.
This week the share will include:
Head lettuce
Spaghetti squash
PYO herbs
PYO hot peppers
PYO sunflowers