Field updates from Farmer Andrew:
The slow progress of spring this year has us itching for warm, dry weather. But we have braved the rains to get our first transplants in the ground over the past few weeks. As we wait for fields to dry between storms, there’s still quite a bit of greenhouse work this time of year. The crew has been diligently potting up tomatoes and peppers and cutting seed potato for planting. The fields are finally coming alive as winter cover crops are showing green and early direct seeded crops of carrots and peas are germinated.
We have spent much of the past two weeks learning and fine tuning our new mechanical transplanter. This implement, which is designed to speed up the transplanting process and reduce some of the physical demands of our work, arrived with quite a learning curve. There are literally dozens of adjustment points! But we’ve made great progress with it and are pleased with the gains in quality and efficiency.
While it’s common for farmers to complain about the weather, this spring truly has been a challenge. It started off cold and has progressed to wet. But everyone has remained in good spirits and we’ve managed to stay on schedule. Here’s to hoping that April showers bring May flowers!
Thanks for all of your and the team’s hard work! We truly appreciate it and look forward to this season with great excitement.
Thanks Gerri!
Looking forward to the weekly drive down route 1A to Appleton Farm. The endless surprises that Andrew and his crew provide are always amazing.
I cannot wait until the launch of the farm share week! Looking forward to enjoying the fruits of your hard work!